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Highlights of Greece
8 days / 7 nights
Athens - Naufplio - Olympia - Delphi - Kalambaka - Athens

Day 1 Athens
Arrival at the Athens Airport. Transfer to the hotel.

Day 2 Athens
The tour starts with a visit of the 2,500-year-old temples of The Acropolis that cast their shadow over the ancient ruins. Get through the Propylaea, a monumental gateway that serves as the entrance to the Acropolis. See the Parthenon, a temple in the Athenian Acropolis, Greece, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their protector. See the temple of Athena Nike and the small museum with great art treasures. Go through the temple of Olympian Zeus, a colossal ruined temple in the centre of the Greek capital that was dedicated to Zeus, king of the Olympian gods.

Day 3 Athens
This Tour shows the enormous contrast between the capital of ancient Greece and cosmopolitan city. See the Arch of Hadrian, a monumental gateway resembling a Roman triumphal arch. See The Hellenic Parliament with the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier overlooking Syntagma Square . Enjoy the modern city of Athens. See The Presidential Mansion that is the official residence of the President. It previously served as the Royal Palace. Visit the Olympic Stadium where the first Olympics were held.

Day 4 Athens - Naufplio (150km/2h) - Olympia (200km/3,30h)
Departure to the Corinth Canal that separates the Peloponnesian peninsula from the Greek mainland. Stop to admire this great work of architecture that according to the mythology was built by Perseus with help by Cyclops, giants with only one eye in their forhead. Visit the Acropolis of Mycenae. The ruins themselves are a delight. The awe inspiring "Lion Gates" , the earliest known piece of monumental sculpture in the European continent, take you to the interior of the acropolis, and a steep path leads your climb through several ancient buildings and pathways, towards the palace where Agamemnon tomb is. He was murdered by his wife Klytemenestra and her lover after he returned victorious from the Trojan War. Unique is the chance to enjoy the mountain area and dense pine forests, travelling to the sea. Continue to the Epidaurus Theater with an almost perfectly preserved amphitheatre built 2,500 years ago and still hosting Greek dramas today. During the annual Hellenic Festival Epidaurus becomes one of the major cultural venues in Greece. Visit the Sanctuary of Aesculapius, the god of medicine. It is worth seeing both for its paintings and for the statues of the god, whose symbol was the snake. Arrival in Olympia.

Day 5 Olympia - Delphi (240km/4h)
The tour starts visiting the archaeological site of Olympia, a sanctuary of ancient Greece, known for having been the site of the Olympic Games in classical times,. The Olympics meant the unity and the peace of the people throughout Greece. See the Fitness Center and the Palestra, the arena that was the wrestling school in ancient Greece. Continue to the Leonidaion the shrine and then to the workshop of Phidias, the sculptor of the giant statue of Zeus within the great temple. Visit the Temple of Zeus, the very model of the fully-developed classical Greek temple. Go to the Olympic Stadium and the grandstand, where he held various games, racing chariots and the pentathlon which later became Decathlon. Departure to Delphi.

Day 6 Delphi - Kalambaka (300km/4,30h)
Admire an incredibly impressive panoramic terrace, surrounded by a carpet of olive trees that reach the sea. In ancient times Delphi was considered the center of the known world, the place where heaven and earth met. This was the place on earth where man was closest to God. In Mythology, Delphi was the meeting place of two eagles, released by Zeus and sent in opposite directions. Delphi was famous for its oracle and the prophecies of the fortune-teller and secondly by their Pan-Hellenic games. See the Boulepterion the column and the Sphinx of Naxos, its theatre, its stage. Continue to the famous Temple of Apollo, which architecture was unlike that of any other ancient temple. Visit the Temple of Athena Pronea and its famous Tholos. See the Fountain of Castalia or Wisdom that was said to be the fountain from which wisdom and learning poured from the heart of Apollo. Find a long list of wonders in the Museum of Delphi. Departure to Kalambaka.

Day 7 Kalambaka - Athens (430km/5h)
Explore the monasteries in Meteora, spectacularly perched atop rocky pinnacles in Thessaly. They are among the most striking sights in Greece. The name Meteora is Greek for "suspended in the air" which perfectly describes these six remarkable Greek Orthodox monasteries. The reason they were built in places so inaccessible was originally defensive. Over time there have been built bridges and ladders, thanks to which today we can visit. Among these monasteries are true treasures. They are inhabited by monks or nuns, prayer and painting religious icons. To enter the monasteries a dress code is strictly enforced. Everybody is forced to avoid bold clothing and trousers. There is absolute silence. Six monasteries are in operation, Saint Nikolas, or Russanu Moni Saint Barbara, Moni Barlaam, or the Great Meteoro Metamorphoseon, St. Triada and St. Stefanos . Departure to Athens.

Day 8 Athens
Transfer to the airport.